Media Center

Andy in Nature Exhibition Video

Andy in Nature a walk through the exhibition in Forest Hall in Milford, PA.


18 October through 11 December 2012

Farmers Market New York City Union Square

A Walk Through an Exhibition (Paris-NY)

PARIS Galerie Catherine Houard -- November 3, 2011 through January 21, 2012 NYC Christopher Henry Gallery -- December 1 - February 9, 2012

Moscow S W I N G by Paul Solberg

a short film by Paul Solberg, made in Moscow. 3 hours after touching down in Moscow, Solberg and Makos-- exuberant from our first steps through the streets-- were suddenly desperate for a bathroom. We asked a young Russian gentlemen who was walking into a random door, if behind that door happened to have a bathroom. And this is the scene that appeared. [music by Benny Goodman "Wholly Cats", thank you]

French Teaser

Two American photographers reinvent the idea of art and travel, with the watching eyes of french filmmakers Pierre Paul Puljiz with Noam Rubah

Waiting for Ohio

Hilton Brothers - Makos - Solberg - OPENING May 3, 2013

Charlie by Paul Solberg

Une Belle Rencontre (Pour Chris et Paul !)

We met brilliant musician and nature boy Arthur Knoerr on our New York stoop as he was waiting for a show at the Village Vanguard. We spent that musical weekend with him and he wrote this song for CMPS. Arthur writes: If you can make it out dere you can make it anywhere. Paroles : Une belle rencontre, cela arrive comme ça En mangeant des noix, sur les marches d'inconnus Une belle rencontre, faut pas s'angoisser C'est vite arrivé, la vie c'est fait pour ça C'était à New York et ce soir j'avais froid J'descends dans le jazz club Et la fille n'y était pas On m'dit d'm'en aller Alors c'est ce que j'ai fait Et c'est à ce moment là Que mon étoile m'a guidé Là il y'a un type qui vient avec sa bicyclette On tape la causette Et puis on devient des potes Il m'invite chez lui pour boire un verre d'eau Il fait dans la photo Et il en a vu d'autres L'amitié se cache derrière n'importe quelle porte Et ce soir là moi, J'ai aimé New York

The Contest

To celebrate our new book: TATTOOS HORNETS FIRE is having a CONTEST, win a trip to Sweden!

And Now Tomorrow by Paul Solberg

Paul by Chris

Hard living for the Hilton Brothers

Fire by Christopher Makos

PENSA MODA, at the Fasano Hotel Sao Paulo

Not only in Sao Paulo, but at the Fasano, talking about what makes us work, and how we see what we see


Montevideo, Uruguay


Now you can see for yourself, where they are, what they are doing, and how they are doing. Check out the Casa Encendida Exhibition

Preview of China Documentary

A brief Teaser of the January 2009 visit to China, chasing the Ghost of Andy Warhol

The Hilton Brothers

At the Villa Paderna, in Marbella, Spain

Christopher Makos Paul Solberg Beijing

At the studio of Ai Wei with Jing Lin


Photographers Chris Makos and Paul Solberg interviewed on TVE in Madrid about the DOG photos


Thank you Coldplay